What is the difference between the breed council and breed club?
The breed council is for experienced breeders, and advises CFA on the breed standard.
The breed club is for everyone with a sincere interest in our breed, including breeders, exhibitors, and pet owners.
Chartreux International is a nonprofit club affiliated with the Cat Fanciers’ Association (CFA).
The objectives of Chartreux International are:
- Promote breeding of the Chartreux cat to the standards accepted by CFA.
- Promote the welfare of the Chartreux cat and support breed rescue.
- Sponsor breed rings, awards and exhibits supporting the Chartreux .
- Promote sportsmanship and friendship among Chartreux breeders and fanciers.
There are three types of membership:
- Regular members– open to individuals interested in the objectives of the organization and who have either bred and raised a CFA registered Chartreux litter in their own home, or have owned and exhibited a Chartreux to any CFA title. Regular members have all the privileges of membership, including the right to vote and hold office.
- Associate members–open to individuals interested in the objectives of the organization. Associate members cannot vote or hold office. They can participate in all functions and receive all other privileges of membership.
- Honorary members– this membership may be granted from time to time to deserving individuals by the majority vote of the club. Honorary members cannot vote or hold office.
Chartreux International is an active and welcoming club. We keep in touch with each other through email and regular videoconference meetings. Prospective new members with a serious interest in the Chartreux breed are encouraged to apply!
To apply, please fill out our online form here: Application for Associate Membership