Chartreux Breed Awards, 2017-2018 CHAMPIONSHIP GC BWR RW Houseofblues Mimi Best ChartreuxSouthwest Region 8th Best CatBr/ Ow: Dennis Giannoni, Maria Yaneza GC RW Chanson Bleu Mons of Jouvencebleu 2nd Best ChartreuxMidwest Region 6th Best CatBr: Judy Belden – Christine RosenfieldOw: Monte Phillips, Steven Belden GC BWR RW Foxykats Madeline of Jouvencebleu3rd Best Chartreux Midwest Region 11th Best Cat Br: Kathy Black / Ow: Monte Phillips, Kathy Black GC RW Grandbois Mirepoix Ariege4th Best Chartreux Northwest Region 16th Best Cat Br: Nancy Dionne – Wendy Heidt – Travis BlackOw: Nancy Dionne, Carroll Muck GC Foxykats Neon Mojito of Clervaux5th Best Chartreux Br: Kathy BlackOw: Christine Fuge, Kathy Black KITTENS GP RW Foxykats Nox I-of-Saint LouisBest Chartreux Kitten Midwest Region 8th Best KittenBr: Kathy BlackOw: Alexander Sousa, Claira Sousa CH Houseofblues Ned Stark 2nd Best Chartreux KittenBr/Ow: Dennis Giannoni, Maria Yaneza GC Foxykats Neon Mojito of Clervaux3rd Best Chartreux KittenBr: Kathy BlackOw: Christine Fuge, Kathy Black Bluebijou’s Misty Bleu of Columbleu4th Best Chartreux KittenBr: Carolyn-Douglas MenzelOw: Sherrie Zabriskie, Steve Zabriskie CH Bluebijou Mercedes of Forever-Moor5th Best Chartreux KittenBr: Carolyn-Douglas Menzel Ow: Barbara Moore, Carolyn Miller PREMIERSHIP GC GP RW Foxykats Lady Liberty Best Chartreux in PremiershipGulf Shore Region 5th Best Cat in PremiershipBr: Kathy BlackOw: Leah Osteen Dow, Dwight Dow GP RW Foxykats Nox I-of-Saint Louis2nd Best Chartreux in PremiershipBr: Kathy BlackOw: Alexander Sousa, Claira SousaOwner GP Foxykats Mireille3rd Best Chartreux in PremiershipBr: Kathy BlackOw: Michelle Jockers GP AC Foxykats Mondavi4th Best Chartreux in PremiershipBr: Kathy BlackOw: Lori Swalwell Marjerrison GP Foxykats Mako Shark Rocket5th Best Chartreux in PremiershipBr: Kathy BlackOw: Michelle Labry AGILITY CH AW SD Chartreux Natalie of LuteceBest Chartreux in Agility2nd Best Cat in Agility, Northwest RegionOwner: Orca Starbuck DISTINGUISHED MERIT CH PR Foxykats Imagine, DM GRANDS OF DISTINCTION and NEW GRANDS Please see our Chartreux Grands page for the 2017-2018 season!